The Children's Era: Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

It is not enough to open playgrounds, and build more public schools in which we can standardize the minds of the young. It is not enough, to throw millions upon millions of dollars into charities and philanthropies. Don't deceive ourselves that by so doing so we are making the world "Safe for Children." (33-35)

Oh, snap. Sanger lowers the boom on people who like to throw money at things and feel good about themselves. None of this is going to do any good, says Sanger, until we recognize that there's a limit to the number of children women can safely and happily carry and care for, and that limit is up to no one but the woman herself.

Quote #5

Our opponents declare that children are conceived in love, and that every new-born baby converts its parents to love and unselfishness. My answer is to point to the asylums, the hospitals, the ever-growing institutions for the unfit. Look into the family history of those who are feeble-minded; or behind the bars of jails and prisons. (45-47)

People still say stuff like this. There's even a country song that claims every single person is born because "two people fell in love." It's a nice thought, but it's obviously not true, which is Sanger's point. People are born, she says, because their parents have sex without using contraception. Love may or may not have anything to do with it.