Tear Down This Wall Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Tear Down This Wall? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When did construction on the Berlin Wall begin?

Q. What was the name of the "original" wall in Berlin, built back in the 1730s?

The Original Berlin Wall
Frederick William I Wall
Berlin Customs Wall
Berlin Defensive Rampart
Q. Which of the following was not the location of a Cold War hot spot?

Q. What was the point of the Berlin Airlift?

To escort doctors and other professionals in and out of West Berlin after travel was restricted.
To bring food and supplies to West Berlin during the Berlin Blockade.
To attempt to levitate West Berlin so the Berlin Wall would become a non-issue.
To protect GDR leaders from would-be assassins from the East.
Q. What was the Soviet argument for building the Berlin Wall in the first place?

Too many Western refugees were fleeing to East Berlin, and the city's infrastructure couldn't handle it.
They wanted to prevent the influx of Western Nazi infiltrators.
Walls make good neighbors.
They didn't want the West to see all of the cool new buildings being put up in East Berlin.