Tear Down This Wall Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Tear Down This Wall? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which of the following does not come as a result of freedom?

Q. What sort of symbols offend the totalitarian world?

Love and worship
Freedom and prosperity
Censorship and secularism
Youth exchanges and cultural events
Q. Reagan specifically mentions the benefits of freedom in all but which of the following countries?

The Philippines
West Germany
Q. What did Reagan see as one positive sign that the Soviets were slowly getting into this freedom thing?

Political prisoners had been released.
They'd called off the Berlin Blockade.
South Korea had offered to allow some Olympic events to take place in North Korea.
East Germany refused to join the European Community.
Q. What does Reagan credit with helping to strengthen the free world?

The Marshall Plan
The European Community
The Berlin Wall
The Geneva talks