Tear Down This Wall: Resources


A Museum So Cold (War), It's Ice

Everything you've ever wanted to know about the Cold War, including stuff you didn't even know you wanted to know until right now.

So Much Information…and Guided Tours Every Sunday

Super-comprehensive site detailing the construction, existence, and demolition of the Berlin Wall, complete with pictures, diagrams, videos, and oodles of other fascinating stuff.

The Whole Cold War Enchilada

Shmoop's summary and analysis of the Cold War will bring you to the edge of your seat.

One for the Gipper

Want to know more about our nation's 40th POTUS? Shmoop has you totally covered. Check it out.

All Reagan, All the Time!

Every document from the Reagan Administration—including speeches, memos, and all kinds of other fun stuff—is available for your viewing pleasure at this website. There are also a ton of cool pics and articles to get lost in.

Movie or TV Productions

Cold War

As one might expect from the title, this 24-part miniseries from CNN is all about…the Cold War. Put on your comfy pants and order some pizza, because this is a binge-watch you don't want to skip.

The Spy Who Came in from the Cold

Released in 1965, this B&W oldie-but-goodie is all about a British intelligence dude making things happen in Berlin, even when he's maybe not supposed to. According to some, it's the best movie about the Berlin Wall ever made…we'll let you decide.

Goodbye Lenin

It's 1989 and the Berlin Wall is coming down. A mother suffers a heart attack and goes into a coma after seeing her son in a protest; the son's task is to keep her from learning when she awakens that her beloved communist East Germany doesn't exist anymore. Hijinks ensue.

Berlin Tunnel 21

It's 1961 and an American and a German band together to build a tunnel under the newly-erected Berlin Wall so they can reunite a few East and West Germans. What could go wrong?

Articles and Interviews

Meet Peter Robinson

Listen to Peter Robinson reminisce about the Berlin Wall speech and his former boss.

Philip Kostka Goes the Distance

Looking for some light reading for a sunny afternoon at the beach? This probably isn't a good choice. But if you're looking for a really great in-depth analysis of Reagan, the Berlin Wall speech, and everything related to it, this article is your Huckleberry.


Peter Jennings Gets Giddy

Watch ABC news icon Peter Jennings' news report from the Berlin Wall the day after all travel restrictions were lifted.

Three Minutes of Awesome

Spend roughly 180 seconds of your day with the folks at history.com and get the entire Berlin Wall history, complete with video footage, rousing music, and a fairly cool computer-generated depiction of the building of the wall.


Audio and Video of the "Speech at the Berlin Wall"

Read along with video footage of Reagan's historic speech in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

Freak Out Your Neighbors

The folks at SoundCloud have put together a strange little "acoustic reconstruction" of the Berlin Wall. But we don't want to spoil it for you; check it out for yourself.

Catchy…and Educational

To really get a good picture of what was going on during the Cold War, just Google every word of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire."


Speech! Speech! Speech!

Reagan delivering his now-famous 1987 "Speech at the Berlin Wall."

Good Balance Required

East German guards chillin' atop the Berlin Wall.

Breaking Off a Piece of That

Reagan smiles as he takes a hammer to his old nemesis, the Berlin Wall.

The Berlin Wall as Sculpture

A piece of the Berlin Wall sitting pretty at its home at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.

Party Time! Excellent!

East and West Germans come together to celebrate the upcoming demolition of the Berlin Wall.