Julie of the Wolves Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Ayi!" She was disgusted by her fears. She kicked a stone to change something, since she could not change what she was doing, as Kapugen advised. (3.39)

Here's where Kapugen's teaching totally falls flat. Miyax can't change what she's doing, because she's not doing anything at all. So then what exactly is she supposed to do?

Quote #5

She lay very still wondering how long it would take for life to leave her. (3.44)

This is a terrifying moment, but our girl manages to remain very, very calm. Is that courage? Or is she merely paralyzed by the terror of death?

Quote #6

She was not afraid. Singing her Amaroq song, she gathered grass and rolled it into cylinders. (3.55-56)

Now it's not changing her behavior that takes away fear, as Kapugen suggests. It's singing a song to her adopted father that brings her solace and comfort.