Julie of the Wolves Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Miyax was trembling. She had not realized the size and ferocity of the dark bear if the North […] Miyax wiped a bead of perspiration from her forehead. Had he come upon her tent, with one curious sweep of his paw he would have snuffed out her life while she slept. (3.98)

For all her bravery and success at surviving, Miyax's life is still quite fragile. Nothing like a run-in with a giant grizzly to remind a girl that life is short.

Quote #8

Miyax was worried. The oil drum she had seen when the skua flew over marked the beginning of civilization and the end of the wilderness. She must warn her pack of the danger ahead. (3.102)

In this moment, Miyax is way more afraid for the wolves than she is for herself. Did you notice how the closer she gets to civilization, the more fear she feels?

Quote #9

He leaped, dodged, and headed for the oil drum. His wide eyes and open mouth told Miyax he was afraid for the first time in his life. (3.136)

Amaroq, the great wolf, afraid? Surely she jests! But she doesn't, because the plane is one creature Amaroq can't take down in the hunt. Suddenly the hunter becomes the hunted and everything changes forever.