Charlie Quotes


Quote 64

"I'm thankful that my brother played football on television so nobody fought." (2.6.19)

Charlie has the uncanny ability to be brutally honest when necessary, pretty much shutting up his entire family. Is he only able to be this upfront when dealing with his family?


Quote 65

I walked up to my grandfather and gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He wiped my lip print off with his palm and gave me a look. He doesn't like the boys in the family to touch him. (2.6.23)

Maybe this is why Charlie's father doesn't show affection: his dad isn't the most affectionate guy on the planet either. What will Charlie be like as an adult?


Quote 66

Before she left, she hugged me again. Two in one day! I really do love my sister. Especially when she's nice. (4.9.7)

Charlie's family shows physical affection so rarely that two hugs in one day ends up getting an exclamation point. And exclamation points from Charlie are a big stinkin' deal.