Prince Caspian The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Aslan's How?" said several voices. "We do not know what it is."

"It lies within the skirts of the Great Woods and it is a huge mound which Narnians raised in very ancient times over a very magical place, where they stood—and perhaps still stands—a very magical Stone." (7.34-35)

We said repairing the home is a major theme in Prince Caspian, and we stand by it. But you could also think of it as rediscovering the home, too. Both work.

Quote #5

But the air of Narnia had been working upon him ever since they arrived on the island, and all his old battles came back to him, and his arms and fingers remembered their old skill. He was King Edmund once more. (8.30)

You know how when you're at home, you're one kind of person, and when you're not, you're another? This scene is kind of like that, only it's not just personality but butt-kicking swordsmanship that changes in Edmund.

Quote #6

The children were sorry to leave Cair Paravel, which, even in ruins, had begun to feel like home again. (8.68)

Pardon the cliché, but home is where the heart is. Or is it where the treasure chamber is? Eh, both work with this passage.