Prince Caspian The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"King Edmund, pah!" said Miraz. "Does your Lordship believe those old wives' fables about Peter and Edmund and the rest?" (13.42)

Part of what makes a community a home is a shared cultural history and stories. Miraz's disgust for those stories just further proves Narnia is not his home.

Quote #8

After this the Telmarine soldiers, firmly but without taunts or blows, were taken across the ford and all put under lock and key in the town of Beruna and given beef and beer. (15.21)

Beruna used to be a home for many Telmarines. Now that they've lost the war; their homes have become a prison. Looking at it from that perspective, we kind of feel sorry for these people.

Quote #9

"Men of Telmar," said Aslan, "you who seek a new land, hear my words. I will send you all to your own country, which I know and you do not." (15.28)

Since Aslan's the good guy of the story, he's fair about it. He does provide the Telmarines with transport to their original home. Hmmm, that might have been handy information for before the whole war thing.