Prince Caspian Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Oh, as for me," said [Trumpkin], who had been listening with complete indifference, "your Majesty knows I think the Horn—and that bit of broken stone over there—and your great King Peter—and your Lion Aslan—are all eggs in moonshine. It's all one to me when your Majesty blows the Horn. All I insist on is that the army is told nothing about it. There's no good raising hopes of magical help which (as I think) are sure to be disappointed." (7.47)

Trumpkin's principles extend to the greater good, not just himself or his own beliefs. Greater good = greater principles. If only all equations were so simple.

Quote #5

"You are my King. I know the difference between giving advice and taking orders. You've had my advice, and now it's the time for orders." (7.60)

Trumpkin doesn't believe in Aslan (yet), but his chivalrous nature means he'll obey Caspian regardless of his personal feelings. At the same time, he'll let you know what he thinks is what. Good ol' D.L.F.

Quote #6

"I needn't tell you they got no true tale out of me, but I was a Dwarf and that was enough." (8.6)

The Telmarines have their own principles, but they're more anti-principles. Here, they include racism, never a solid foundation for a set of principles if you ask us.