Prince Caspian Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Let the vermin be flung into a pit," said Peter. "But the Dwarf we will give to his people to be buried in their own fashion." (12.86)

Peter's chivalrous nature extends even to his enemies, showing it to be a true type of chivalry. Unless you're a hag or werewolf—then you get the pit.

Quote #8

"Why, if not, we should be as able to win it without the King's grace as with him. For I need not tell your Lordship that Miraz is no very great captain. And after that, we should be both victorious and kingless." (13.34)

Miraz may be detestable as a villain, but Lord Glozelle and Sopespian are the poster boys for lacking in principles. They plot against their king, trick their king, and then flat-out murder him. Dudes, weak sauce.

Quote #9

Peter stepped back, waiting for him to rise. "Oh brother, brother, brother," said Edmund to himself. "Need he be as gentlemanly as that? I suppose he must. Comes of being a Knight and a High King. I suppose it is what Aslan would like." (14.35-36)

Peter doesn't finish off Miraz despite the life-or-death duel. It's just not cool to hit a guy when he's down.