Cunning and Cleverness Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I say this now, and live or die, it's up to you: Drop your sword!" (8.142)

Westley is still completely paralyzed (you know, from the whole being dead thing), but Humperdinck doesn't quite know that. So Westley's only chance is to threaten Humperdinck so vividly that Humperdinck surrenders before fighting. And guess what? It totally works.

Quote #5

"There are no words to contain all my wisdom. I am so cunning, crafty and clever, so filled with deceit, guile and chicanery, such a knave, so shrewd, cagey as well as calculating, a diabolical as I am vulpine, as tricky as I am trustworthy…" (5.844)

The Sicilian thinks pretty highly of his cleverness. And truth be told, he's actually a clever enough guy. But that doesn't stop him from getting tricked into drinking poison by Westley.

Quote #6

"Because I'm not left-handed either," said the man in black. (5.592)

Inigo has spent an entire duel fighting Westley with his left hand when he is not in fact left-handed. Little does he know, though, that Westley isn't left-handed, either. Now that's what you call the old double switcheroo.