Cunning and Cleverness Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You only think I guessed wrong […] That's what's so funny. I switched glasses when your back was turned." (5.898)

Vizzini is pretty proud of himself for switching the two glasses of wine when Westley's back was turned. Little does he know that both glasses are poisoned, though, and that Westley has simply built up an immunity to the poison.

Quote #8

He was quite cheery until the iocane powder took effect. (5.901)

Right up until the end, Vizzini can't fathom (or conceive of) the idea that Westley has outsmarted him. The guy practically drops dead while laughing with triumph.

Quote #9

"They were both poisoned […] I've spent the past two years building up immunity to iocane powder." (5.907)

A-ha… Now we finally see what Westley's scheme with the iocane powder was all along. He always knew he'd win the battle of wits because it wasn't a battle of wits at all. It was rigged in his favor the whole time.