Violence Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It would not stop. It simply hung now below the sky, an audible reminder of the existence of agony. (6.218)

When Count Rugen first tests his pain Machine, he tests it on a wild dog, and the animal's scream is so awful that everyone in Florin can hear it. The scream is so bad that you almost feel pain just hearing about hearing it.

Quote #5

Inside and out, Westley's world was ripping apart and he could do nothing but crack along with it. (6.282)

Up until now, Westley has been able to withstand Count Rugen's attempts at torture by taking his mind away from his body. But Count Rugen's pain machine ensures that this is impossible, because it invades every last inch of Westley's body and mind.

Quote #6

[He] began to whip the beast against the walls like a native washerwoman beating a skirt against rocks, and […] the snake was dead. (7.61)

When it comes to killing snakes, Fezzik doesn't leave anything up to chance. A snake has tried to kill him, so he returns the favor by swinging the thing and beating it against a rock until it's dead ten times over.