Violence Quotes in The Princess Bride

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Count's frozen face was petrified and ashen and the blood still poured down the parallel cuts. (8.125)

Inigo Montoya shows no mercy when he finally gets his chance to kill the man who murdered his father. And we can't say that Count Rugen deserves a better fate, since he has more or less dedicated his whole life to causing pain to others.

Quote #8

"The first thing you lose will be your feet […] The left, then the right. Below the ankle. You will have stumps available to use within six months." (5.140)

Westley is good at making vivid threats. But then again, he needs to be since he is completely paralyzed at this point and his only chance against Humperdinck is to bluff the guy into giving up without a fight. Luckily for him, it works.

Quote #9

The noble killed him then, with no warning; a flash of the nobleman's sword and Domingo's heart was torn to pieces. (5.352)

His heart was "torn to pieces." Again, Goldman doesn't disappoint when it comes to vividly describing scenes of total violence and pain. It just makes us all the more sympathetic to Inigo's plans to kill Count Rugen.