The Big Lebowski Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Big Lebowski.

Quote #4

WALTER: Why should we settle for 20 grand when we can keep the entire million? Am I wrong?

Walter tries to get The Dude to agree to throw the kidnappers a "ringer" briefcase containing his dirty undies instead of the real briefcase containing the money. The dramatic irony of this situation is that it's a lie within a lie: Walter and The Dude throw out a ringer for a ringer. Anyway, The Dude resists going along with the plan. He's a man of integrity under that slovenly appearance. Plus, he doesn't want to get himself killed by the angry kidnappers. He just wants to pay up and get everything over with.

Quote #5

MAUDE: As for this kidnapping. I know all about it, and I know that you acted as courier. And let me tell you something: the whole thing stinks to high heaven.

There's Maude, sniffing out the truth under a pile of lies in the only way she knows how: frankly and brusquely. Maude has got her own manipulative agenda, though. She wants The Dude to be the sperm donor for her baby. Why? Good question.

Quote #6

WALTER: Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon. With nail polish. F***ing amateurs.

Ever-confident Walter reassures The Dude that what looks like Bunny's toe isn't actually Bunny's toe. Weirdly enough, Walter is right: he's caught the kidnappers in a lie. A girlfriend of one of the kidnappers sacrificed her toe for the cause. What Walter is saying is that you can make pretty much anything look the way you want it to.