The Big Lebowski Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Big Lebowski.

Quote #7

KUNKEL: We come back, and we cut off your Johnson.

This is a bold-faced lie. Uli has no intention of cutting off The Dude's Johnson. He just wants to intimidate the peace-loving Dude into giving him Bunny's ransom money. The nihilists try to manipulate people by being intimidating, but they're not all that good at it.

Quote #8

MAUDE: Oh, please, Jeffrey, I don't want to be responsible for any delayed aftereffects.

It's with this line that Maude deceives The Dude into visiting the doctor, presumably because she bruised him on the jaw. She really just wants to check out his fertility and potency so she can trick him into getting her pregnant. Because she's so smart, Maude is one of the best liars in the film.

Quote #9

BUNNY: And I'm just the devil with love to spare!

Bunny sings Elvis Presley's "Viva Las Vegas" as she drives back home from visiting friends in Palm Springs. She's lied to the Big Lebowski, letting Uli claim she was kidnapped so they could extort money from him. Bunny is not as dangerous as the other liars in the film—just clueless and reckless. Her biggest manipulation was when she married Lebowski for his money and then proceeded to spend him into bankruptcy. He probably deserved it for thinking a 20 year old was interested in him in the first place. Some serious self-deception there.