The Yearling Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He could picture the shadow, big and black as a shed in motion, moving among the black-jacks and gathering in the tame and sleeping sow with one sweep of the great clawed paw" (3.38)

As nature becomes more threatening for Jody, it seems dramatic and exciting, not scary. That's nice and all, but we have to say: a little healthy fear probably goes a long way in keeping you alive out in the scrub.

Quote #5

"The peace of the vast aloof scrub had drawn him with the beneficence of its silence" (2.12)

"Peace" = "fending off constantly attacking wild animals." Uh, okay. We'll take a nice air-conditioned room with plenty of snacks at hand, but you do you, Penny.

Quote #6

"That's why I hate a bear. A creetur that kills and eats what he needs, why, he's jest like the rest of us, makin' out the best he kin. But an animal, or a person either, that'll do harm jest to be a- doin'—You look in a bear's face and you'll see he's got no remorse" (3.39)

Penny and Stephen Colbert have something in common—-godless-killing-machines-mash-up: they attribute sociopathic qualities to bears.