The Yearling Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"A wild creetur's quicker'n a man and a heap stronger. What's a man got that a bear ain't got? A mite more sense. He cain't outrun a bear, but he's a sorry hunter if he cain't out-study him" (4.39)

Yeah, yeah, we all know this story: (hu)man(kind) got to the table after the gods had already given away all the good stuff, and we got our big brains as a consolation prize.

Quote #8

"How's a bear to know I'm dependin' on my hogs for my own rations? All he knows is, he's hongry" (4.135)

Penny understands: a bear has to feed himself and his family, just like Penny has to feed himself and his family is. The problem is, something what Penny wants (bacon) directly conflicts with what the bear wants (bacon.)

Quote #9

"This un'll grow up to bite. Hit's coon nature" (6.4)

When Fodder-wing is nursing a baby raccoon back to health, Pa Forrester isn't so taken with the little guy—he knows that cute baby animals grow up to be predators and scavengers. We promise you're not going to want to cuddle that full-grown 'coon.