Flavius Timeline and Summary


Flavius Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: What's that, Flavius? Timon doesn't have enough money to keep giving away gifts, and you're worried about his future? Sounds pretty important to us.
  • 2.2: Flavius opens the scene by telling us that Timon has too many bills he can't pay. When more servants stroll in asking for Timon to pay up, Flavius tells Timon he has important news for him. Even though he breaks the news off stage, Flavius and Timon are pretty antsy by the time they get back. Flavius reveals that he's already sent servants to ask Timon's friends for help, and they've refused. Timon doesn't believe it and sends servants to his friends, anyway.
  • 3.4: Flavius disguises himself and tries to escape from the torment of the creditors' servants begging him for money. Too bad a cloak doesn't do the trick. Then he and Timon discuss what to do next, now that his friends have refused him. Timon insists on having a banquet, but Flavius tells him there isn't even enough money to buy the meat.
  • 4.2: Flavius tells the other servants that there is no money left, and the house is ruined. He is really down over what's happened to poor Timon, so he decides to go off into the woods in search of him.
  • 4.3: When Flavius finds Timon in the woods, he's surprised by how different his master is. He tries to get his master to trust him and let him hang out, but Timon insists that he leave.
  • 5.1: Flavius enters with the Senators but tells them it's no use trying to plead with Timon for help. He shows them to Timon's cave and morosely reports that Timon will remain misanthropic and grouchy forever.