Timon's Friends: Lucullus, Lucius, Sempronius, and Ventidius

Character Analysis

Friends? Enemies? Frenemies?

Let's face it: the dudes in his motley crew may all have different names, but they're pretty much interchangeable. All of these chumps take from Timon freely and then close their fists when he asks them for something in return.

Sure, they all have their fake excuses: Lucullus claims to have warned Timon about his spending habits: "[M]any a time and often I ha' dined with him and told him on't" (3.1.24-25). Lucius pretends to be all out of cash: "How unluckily it happened that I should purchase the day before for a little part and undo" (3.2.47-48). But most pathetic of all is Sempronius who is somehow offended at being asked after the others: "Must I be his last refuge?" (3.3.12).

Yep, these guys are winners all right. We know they take jewels, horses, money, food, and just about anything else that Timon dishes out, with no gratitude in return. In fact, when we see the servants go to each of their homes, these guys are actually expecting more gifts from him. The gravy train from Timon seems to roll in pretty regularly in these parts.

You Can't Spell "Friend" without "End"

It's certainly easy to point out how these friends are shallow, greedy, and materialistic: they don't seem to be interested in anything other than moolah, bling, and good eats. But we're also interested in the way they act around their sugar daddy; they have to keep Timon on their side somehow, right?

Well, it's no surprise that they praise Timon at the banquet. Ventidius tells Timon directly: "[I]n grateful virtue I am bound to your free heart" (1.2.4-5). Okay, sure: singing the formal praises of your human-sized wallet seems like a pretty basic way to keep making it rain. (Just ask Goneril and Regan.)

But do any of these so-called friends have a real conversation with Timon? Ever? There's not one to be found: these lords are quick to praise Timon when they are feasting at his place, but they don't really have anything to say to the guy aside from: "Thanks for my gift. Again." In fact, Timon has more real conversations with Apemantus, the guy he kind of hates.

Hmm… that makes us think about why Timon thinks these dues are all his buddies in the first place. We certainly weren't surprised when these friendships came to an end. Is Timon mostly friends with these guys because they're, you know, the popular guys?