The Wizard of Oz The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Wizard of Oz.

Quote #4

PROFESSOR MARVEL: Poor little kid, I hope she gets home okay!

It's good to know that Professor Marvel, and by extension the Wizard, sympathizes with Dorothy's quest. Marvel, of course, lives in a traveling wagon, so he may know more than anyone else what it means to not have a home.

Quote #5

MAYOR OF MUNCHKIN CITY: I welcome you most regally…

The Munchkins may be sweet, but they're no good in a crisis. They heap Dorothy with honors and accolades, only to run for the hills when Wicked Witch 2.0 shows up. Maybe this isn't home either. They certainly don't protect her in any tangible way, even though they seem to acknowledge her in a way that she feels Auntie Em doesn't. It's every girl's wish to be seen as special.

Quote #6

DOROTHY: And it's funny, but I feel as if I'd known you all the time, but I couldn't have, could I?

This is an interesting line because it links Dorothy's buddies back to the farmhands at home in Kansas. Could it mean that Dorothy always has a little bit of home with her as long as her friends are at her side?