The Wizard of Oz The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Wizard of Oz.

Quote #7

DOROTHY: I'm here in Oz, Auntie Em! I'm locked in the witch's castle, and I'm trying to get home to you, Auntie Em!

A heart-wrenching moment here. When times are bleakest, Dorothy still looks towards home. It's not only the object of her quest; it's the thing that gives her strength to carry on. It's a bit of a paradox, but it also explains why she wants to get back there so badly: it gives her comfort, even when Wicked Witches are trying to settle her hash.

Quote #8

WIZARD: I'm an old Kansas man myself.

This is the first concrete link between Oz and home for Dorothy, and also a connection between the Wizard and Professor Marvel. And just like home itself, the Wizard seems grim and a little scary at first, but becomes kindly and welcoming once Dorothy's quest is nearing an end. It's comforting when he says he's from Kansas; home seems a little nearer now.

Quote #9

DOROTHY: Auntie Em must have stopped wondering what happened to me by now. Oh, Scarecrow, what am I gonna do?

Notice that Dorothy's thoughts of home aren't selfish here. She's worried about Aunt Em, and about making sure her family doesn't worry about her. That makes her journey an especially heroic one: she's not just looking out for number one.