Young Frankenstein Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Young Frankenstein.

Quote #4

IGOR: Well, why isn't Froderick Fronkensteen?

Here's Igor (or is it "Eye-gor"?) keeping it real. Frederick's new identity is entirely arbitrary.

Quote #5

FREDERICK: I'm not a Frankenstein. I am not a Frankenstein. I'm a Fronkensteen!

Frederick's identity crisis is so deep-rooted that it manifests itself in a nightmare. He's calling this out in his sleep. The rest of his nighttime sleep-talking shows us that he believes that his name is his destiny. Kinda like if your name is Barrymore or Manning; your options are limited.

Quote #6

INSPECTOR: This man is different, I tell you. You can see that after you talk to him for five minutes!

Some villagers seem to think that Frederick is different than his grandfather. What makes Frederick seem different, i.e. less insane, to an outsider? Whatever it is, it's just a veneer.