Young Frankenstein Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Young Frankenstein.

Quote #7

FRAU BLUCHER: Yes, it's in your blood. It's in the blood of all Frankensteins. It reaches the soul when words are useless. You grandfather used to play it to the creature he was making.

While the monster ends up defying his nature, Frederick ends up succumbing to his, giving in to the inherent desire of a Frankenstein to create life. The violin music represents this destiny of identity. Frederick can't escape it.

Quote #8

FREDERICK: My name is Frankenstein!

When Frederick declares his name is Frankenstein, as Mary Shelley intended it to be pronounced, you know there's no going back. It's full-on crazy town from here on out, and he's okay with that. He's reclaimed his real mad-scientist self.

Quote #9

FREDERICK: And now, ladies and gentlemen, from what was only an inarticulate mass of lifeless tissue, I give you a cultured, sophisticated man about town. Hit it!

MONSTER: […] Puttin on the Ritz!

Frederick tries to convince the townspeople that the monster's not a monster at all by dressing him up in a top hat and tails for a snappy song-and-dance. The term "lipstick on a pig" occurs to Shmoop at this moment.